Celtic Tales

By Lyndon Barry

Mcdonald's Girl
An Avalon Rising short story

By Lyndon Barry

"But MOM!"were the first words Mr Dragon heard as he stepped through the doorway.

A boy, no more than 6 or 7 years old, was glowering at what had to be his mother. His black mutant turtle t-shirt was faded, and the shabby pants he wore were stained with various foods, and he pointed at the pictures behind the counter.

"I want ICE-CREAM!"

His mother, herself barely older it seemed, rolled her eyes and gave in to his demands. As he stepped up to the counter, she spoke to the young boy behind the counter

"I'll have chocolate ice-cream, a whopper and fries and a pepsi" Her jaw began to work at the gum in her mouth. She glanced at Dragon, then away, seemingly bored.

All the better then Dragon thought. He glanced around the restaurant and saw a young woman and a little girl enjoying a birthday meal. Balloons and presents decorated the table. He grinned and started to walk over to them.

"GRANPA DRAGON" A young girl leapt out of her seat and bolted towards him. His grin widened as he caught her mid-run and swept her up in his arms. "You came Granpa, you came"

"Of course I did Megan, I couldn't very well miss your 4th birthday could I?" He winked at Megan's mother who smiled back at him.

"Granpa!, I'm FIVE, not FOUR" Megan rolled her eyes dramatically as Dragon lowered her into her seat again.

"Oh, five? but I only brought a present for someone who's four. I'll have to find a nice girl who's four today and give it to her instead."

His teasing brought a laugh from Megan's mother.

"Oh stop teasing her Pop, you know exactly how old she is." She swatted at his arm and he laughed.

"Oh, all right then, only if you ask me to Sarah." He sat next to her and patted her hand. He winked again and slowly reached into his long raincoat. He pulled out a small package, carefully wrapped in pink & silver paper and offered it to Megan, who, with equal care, took it and shook it.

"It doesn't rattle..." She said, looking at him pleadingly

"Well, no present works unless you open it." Sarah said, and watched with obvious pride as her daughter began unpeeling the paper.

"She's exactly the same as I was when I was young." Sarah murmured. "Trying to not rip the paper, just in case."

Dragon nodded and patted her hand again. "Your grandmother was exactly the same way when she was that age."

Sarah cocked her head. "She was? You never told me that."

"There's lots of little details that slip my mind Sarah, you know that." Dragon watched as Megan struggled with the last piece of wrapping, the plastic tape proving stubborn. His fingers fluttered slightly and the tape gave way, depositing a book into Megan's lap.

"Oohhh." Megan exclaimed "Yay, you can read to me now Granpa"

"Later perhaps Megan." Dragon's attention was caught by the mother & son exiting the restaurant. A moment later, it was caught by another woman entering. She was perhaps 35 years old, with raven dark hair and eyes that glittered, even in this harsh false light, like twin emeralds. That, combined with the almost alabaster skin triggered Dragon's memory and he closed his eyes for a moment.

"Circles." He muttered and stood up. "Sorry Sarah, just saw an old friend."

"Old friend, or OLD friend." She enunciated the second "old" and he nodded in reply.

The woman took a seat near the door, her back to him. Dragon sucked in a breath and walked towards her.

"Hello Morgana." he muttered "you look well."

"Considering the last time we met, you had my mother's body in your arms, I'm not suprised."

"Mind if I sit?" He said, ignoring the pointed comment.

"Could I stop you?" Morgana looked up at him

"Yes, you could."

"Then sit, old man, or are you getting feeble?"

"I ache from time to time." Dragon admitted as he sat.

"Not suprising, considering your age." Morgana smiled slightly, in spite of herself.

"How's your brother Morgana? Eric wasn't it?" Dragon tried ligtening the subject, only to fail miserably.

"He died a year ago, just after my father passed."

"I heard about your father, cancer wasn't it? I'm sorry, and I'm sorry about Eric too, he was a bright lad."

Morgana started to reply, then looked at him "I hate it when you're geniune." she muttered.

"It confuses people." Dragon nodded and waved at Megan from across the restaurant.

"Another wife & child Taliesin?, isn't that your fifth?" Morgana looked at the girl for a moment, then back to Dragon.

"No, my grandaughter, a few generations removed, and her daughter" Dragon frowned "and it's only been 3 times, you know that."

"Yes, I know old man, we all know that. The three great loves of your life, but even my grandmother and Catherine could never compare with your first could they?" She looked over at the child. "So, how much does she resemble Catherine?"

Dragon followed her gaze. "Sarah has Catherine's eyes, but Megan has the hair." Dragon's eyes misted slightly "You, on the other hand, look identical to Rebecca. Your other did too."

Morgana frowned, then looked out of the window "That's why isn't it? Why you treated my mother and I differently?"

Dragon looked up at the ceiling, counting the holes for a moment, then back down at her. "I don't know Morgana. When Rebecca died giving birth to Gwyneth, I was away. When I came back, your Elaine was looking after her, and didn't want me around. She always said her sister was a fool to love me."

"I know the rest old man, I know." Morgana remembered how her Great Aunt Elaine had told her mother all about the "bad wizard Merlin". "Do I remind you of Morgana?" she said, suddenly.

Dragon started, then looked at her "Morgana Le Fay was a dear friend. I've told you before."

"Sometimes, it's hard seperating fact from fiction about you." Morgana admitted, nodding to herself.

Dragon sighed "Tell me about it" He stood slowly. "It is good to see you Morgana." He started to walk towards Megan & Sarah again. "come and join your other family."

"They're not my family Taliesin, they're yours." Morgana stood herself.

"And so are you grand-daughter, don't forget that ever. No matter how you feel about me, I still love you." Taliesin waited, watching her eyes.

"And I don't hate you, Is that good enough for now?" Morgana walked towards the door.

"It's an improvement over last time, so I can accept it" Dragon smiled, and watched Morgana leave. He returned to his family and sat.

"Who was the pretty lady Granpa?" Megan blurted out.

"If you can keep a secret, that was Morgana Lefay herself, and she said you had better be a good girl, or you won't get any presents when you turn 5." Dragon grinned.

"I'm 5 NOW Granpa!" was Megan's wail.

Lyndon Barry - February 2010